Animal Success Stories

Sally With new sister
 Sally, aka Baby, resting in front of her adopted big sister, Luna.  
Sally's adopters' sent this note:  "Thank you again for all your help, time and energy.  Another family completed 
:)  Warm regards and best wishes, the Dickison Family"

Colten with kara
Colten in his new home with his new big "sister", Kara.

Winston Armando
When little Armando came to PAWS he was only 8 weeks old and suffered from a severe hernia.  Two weeks later, when he weighed only 2.7 pounds, he underwent surgery to repair the hernia.  Ten days later, he weighed 3.8 pounds and left for his forever home.  He has a new name - Winston - and a new life.  His new "mom", Kathy, sent this photo and says:  "Wanted to let you know that Winston is doing well.  He is happy, feisty, loving, funny and we are thrilled he is ours.  He sees his sister (Amelia) often and they really like to rough play."

Bailey fast asleep after a big day of play at her new home.   "She is such a good girl.  Took her to Petsmart on Friday and got her a halter. . . she sleeps in the middle between us.  What a ham.  lol . Thanks so much for bringing a big joy to our lives. Linda"

Miley new familyMiley (on right) found her new forever home just in time for Christmas.
"Here is a picture of Miley and her little sister C.C. She is such a lover and we have had so much fun with her. We love her so, she is bringing alot of joy into our life. Thanks again.  Have a Merry Christmas!"  Mark & Cindy
Raffie is pictured with his new best friend, Charlie, in his new home.  His new family says: 
We have renamed Raffie. His new name is Bodhi. He has acclimated very well here and seems quite comfortable in his new home. He does seem to be housebroken and has done beautifully with waiting for chances to go outside. He also has done so well with his crate at night that we never had to place it anywhere but upstairs near all of us. He has claimed a favorite chair, in our front room right by the picture window and enjoys sitting in his chair watching the hummingbirds.  He does sometimes seem to miss his doggy friends, but our next door neighbor, who is a foster for dogs, is very excited to have regular puppy playdates with Bodhi. 
Brigid & Brendan
Brigid and her littermate Brendan (now named Carter) came to PAWS just before Christmas in 2011 when they were about 3 months old.  They got adopted together to the same home in January, 2012.  Their mom, Kristina, sent us the above photo of them at six months old and says:  "Bridget and Carter are doing great.  They are getting huge.  Carter weighs 70 pounds and Bridget weighs about 58.  We love having them and are so grateful we could adopt them into our home.  You guys are great.  As you can see, they are spoiled rotten, but such good dogs."
Wendy Scarlett 
Dressed in her best shirt is Wendy, now named Scarlet.  Her adopter says, "She is doing absolutely wonderful and we love her to death!"
"Hi, P.A.W.S. friends.  Just wanted you to know how I'm doing in my new home.  I think they like me here because they love on me a lot and I've been sleeping in my owner's bed.  I get the best food to eat and I almost inhale it twice a day when my bowl is filled.  I can run really fast in my yard and I even run faster than the Pomeranian.  I have stolen all the bones from the other doggies and try to hide them.  My cough has resolved and just on a rare occasion I get to coughing when I get excited. I have learned to potty outside and my owner praises me when I do. You know what, I think I'm the favorite. Woff Woff"  Thanks for all you do and hope you place lots of other doggies in good homes.  Sincerely, Katie (aka Pixie)
Nash & Ollie in new home

Rose Lane sent the above photo of Nash/Toby [on the left] and Oreo/Ollie (on the right).  "Here are my wonderful “boys”  -- both adopted from PAWS.  Ollie (formerly Oreo) was adopted in May and in October we added Toby (formerly Nash). As you can see, the two of them are getting along splendidly and they make us so happy!" 

 BeBe in New home

BeBe, now known as Ellie, fast asleep in her new home after a day of fun.  Her new mom, Kristin reports:  "She is ALL over the place!!! but when she's knocked out, she makes herself all sorts of comfortable! she absolutely loves to stretch out at the end of my bed. of course, right in the middle so I can't move! haha! I've never seen a kitty show off like she does either. when she's just around me (which is most of the time) she'll play and romp around. BUT when there are other people around, playing turns vicious! her hair stands on end and her tail turns into a bottle cleaner!! apparently she wants everyone to know that she's adorable, but she's not to be messed with either! along with her fuzzy pink balls, she bats around that little ball and has a ball doing it!! OH! and the funniest thing ever: she is absolutely enamored with the toilet. no matter what she's doing, if she hears the toilet flush, she has to investigate! EVERY TIME! At the end of the day, she cuddles up with me and makes me the happiest kitty momma alive :) she's perfect for me. I couldn't have dreamed of a better companion!! I'm a super happy Kristin and she's a super happy Elle!!!"
Simon D on couch
Simon D makes himself at home on his new family's couch! 
"He's so sweet.  We just love him!  Thanks for allowing our family to be Simon's family."
"Teddy aka Barkley is so amazingly smart. He has far exceeded all of the puppy training and because of that they are moving him into advanced training. He knows sit, stay, leave it, come- all performed successfully with high levels of distraction. He and Blue get along so well and are like brothers. He has been an extremely welcomed addition to our family. Thank you again for selecting us to be his forever home."
Shoji now Kahlua
"I just want to say thank you for letting me adopt Shoji, now named Kahlua. When I first got him home he was bold and adventurous as stated. I could not ask for a better cat. His personality and mine are right on target. He is so much fun and keeps me entertained with all of his playing. Kahlua is also very loving and loves to lay on my legs and in my lap. I bought him a jungle gym type thing and he LOVES to climb on it and bring his toys up there. I am so glad I found him when I did.  Once again, thank you so much!"  Mark Crossen

Venice in bathtub
Venice (aka  Evey) gets her first bath in her new home.  Her new owner says:  "She is doing great and has settled in fantastically. She is still having some potty issues, but we are working on that. She is very sweet and loves her new home/neighborhood/toys/bed. We are very happy and in love with her." 
 Venice is Vada's littermate.

Vada nka Hannah
Vada, now called Hannah, in her new bed in her new home.  Her new owner says:  "She LOVED the bed but now she LOVES the COUCH!  She got the best seat in the house."
Buddy MP with Patti  Buddy MP with Dana
"We wanted to touch base and tell you that everything is working out fantastically with Buddy. He has blended into our home as if we raised him as a puppy. He is very smart. He already knew sit, stay, lay down and shake hands. Now we are working on sitting up. He has began to pick up on it really quickly. He has surpassed our expectations of an adopted dog! We love him very much and by his kisses we know it's mutual."  Patti & Dana
Rodney with new brothers
Rodney (now called Scooter), in the lower right corner, is shown with his new sister and brother.  His new mom, Debbie, says:  "We are all having so much fun and are so happy.  Scooter has certainly livened everyone up at our house.  Hours of play!  Scooter is starting training classes in a few weeks.  Babie just graduated from training a few months ago. He is just precious and we also have lots of cuddle time.  He is very sharing with his love!"
Middy on sleep over
Middy (on the left) has been at the PAWS shelter longer than any other dog.  She's currently on a sleep over with a potential adopter.  Jim sent us this photo of Middy with his current rescue, Moses.  Jim reports that all is going well and says:   "Their first 24 hours together has been very good.  Moses took her on a tour of the property.  They go everywhere together. They both spent the night in the house, Moses sleeping at the foot of the bed and Middy beside the bed.  Middy has bonded well to me and has gone to my wife on her own.  Everywhere I go, they follow me or my wife."  This photo shows Middy and Moses at one of their favorite activities - mole hunting!
 Marrs 1
Marrs (now called Bongo) relaxes with -- or rather ON -- his new brother.
Cinder in new home
 Cinder (now called K.C.) stretches out in the sun on the screened porch at his new home.  His new mom, Ginny, says  "He and Checkers have adjusted nicely. He is such a sweet kitten!"
                                                                              Chip Asleep on Desk
  Chip's new mom, Holly, sent this photo of him asleep on top of her desk and says:  "I work from home and he insists on sitting at my desk with me or laying on top of it at naptime. haha"
Squeak Roxy in pool  Squeak Roxy on beach towel
 Squeak (aka Roxy) loves to lay in and around her family pool
during this hot, hot summer.



 Farren Scooby
"Scooby (fka Farren) has decided that he is too big now to hold unless he gets scared of course.  They are very sweet little guys!!"  Karen  
Hank w ball in mouth



"Hank [now called Gage] has been a wonderful addition to our family. He rides well in the car & doesn't even bat an eye when the kids are rowdy. Some of his favorite past times are chasing his ball, eating and chasing his ball some more. Oh & he also enjoyed running out onto the field during a girls' soccer practice & chasing the soccer ball (his 90lbs got away from me). He just wanted to join in the fun. Thanks for all you do for the animals." Tracy Gallmeyer


Tinsel March 2010

"Just wanted to share how great Tinsel (now called Trixie) is doing.  This past week she’s ministered to an elderly friend of mine twice in her home.  She’s brought joy and comfort as she rests on Jean’s lap, letting her love on her.  Today she went to the massage appointment with me.  There were many strange people and sounds and she was a bit shy and nervous at first, but my friend took her time and within the first 30 minutes Trixie was up giving her puppy kisses.  She even laid beneath me during the massage and took a little rest.  At one time she laid on my chest during the massage and I got some puppy kisses.  She is doing quite well warming up to people in the piano studio also – it is a wonderful training ground.  She adores riding in the car, especially when we end up in the park – her most favorite thing to do.  We have taken several walks
in our woods as well and she’s most happy.  She’s a delight!"  


Dawn with cousins 


"Just thought I’d send an updated photo of Rookie (previously Dawn, one of Maria's puppies - the puppy to the far left].  She is such a camera diva, and LOVES to have her picture taken.  This was about three weeks ago, when we were visiting my parents.  My parents’ two dogs and my other dog were concentrating on the treat, but Rookie was far more interested in making sure the camera got her good
side ;).  She is such a sweet puppy, a wonderful snuggler, and she loves to play with her adoptive sister, Piper (the black dog to the far right of the photo)."



DiDi & Lipton March

DiDi (one of Maria's puppies) sleeping with big brother Lipton (one of Goliath's brothers).  If you look further down this page, you'll see an earlier photo of the two of them sleeping together.  Look how much DiDi's grown!




"Just wanted to let you know that Sheila - Sheltie mix we adopted last year - is loving the snow. Apparently her winter coat is really warm because she can't get enough of playing in the snow. She can't figure out why I won't stay out there for hours to play with her. She has accepted the arrangement that after dark is snuggle and belly rub time and that going in and out the door every five minutes is not acceptable behavior. Her best buddy is her "daddy" (my husband) because he spends a lot of time outdoors during the day. She is great company.
Everybody that visits comments on how pretty and sweet she is."



 Dawn January 2010


"Dawn is doing so well this first week!  I did rename her "Rookie" and she's learning that name quite quickly.  Piper is so excited to have a playmate in the house and the two of them are getting along really well.  Poor little Rookie is not very excited about the snow, but is at least venturing out for a minute or two, long enough to go potty.  I expect as she gets older and bigger, she'll be able to actually play for a little bit outside, but for now, she gets cold too easily.  I'm absolutely thrilled with her, and how well her and Piper get along."



Didi & Lipton asleep


"Thought I'd share a picture I took today of Lipton (on the right) and DiDi - nap time after a busy morning of play. Yesterday they were playing tug of war with their toys, and today Lipton wanted whichever toy she was playing with.  Kinda like how my kids are......."   Jessica

NOTE:  Jessica's family is a "double dipper" -- they adopted Lipton from P.A.W.S. in July, 2009.  Lipton is one of the "Band of Brothers" puppies and one of Goliath's brothers.


  Teri in new home 


"I thought I would send you a note to let you know that Teri (now called Maggie - on the right) is doing very well.  She and Monty get along so well it amazes me.  She loves being inside the house and enjoys her daily walks.  She is so happy in the morning and evening when we come home for work.  She is a great dog.  I have had the pleasure of fostering 2 other dogs that were dumped and they now have new homes.  I hope all is well with the shelter."  Take care,  Annette & Gary Dowell






























Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Phoebe Puppy # 2
Phoebe Puppy # 2

Here's a photo of Phoebe Puppy #2 [now known as Mazie] with her new big sister, Mabel. Mabel was adopted from the Terre Haute Humane Society.

1224 W Main St •  Greenfield, IN 46140  •  pawshancock1 [ at ]